Friday, September 01, 2006

Getting analytical

Google rollout yet another tool - Google Analytics, to measure your site traffic, and how your visitors interact with your site. And it is free too, as most of the thing on the web these days.
Cool, and so I have signed up for the service yesterday. Getting this done is as easy as setting up a Django or Rails framework, er…no? You mean setting up Django or Rails are NOT easy? Ok, then maybe as easy as setting up a TV at home, just copy some scripts, paste it at your site. Voila! Now you can view all sorts of reports regarding your site. Hmmm…except that it will take 24 hours to gather the necessary data, ok…ok… and so I wait…24 hours is a long time when you actually have to wait for something to happen.

Now, after a good 24 hours of waiting, I am ready to unveil the extremely busy traffics of my blog, let’s see……dah…dah,

there are….TWO unique visit, and one of them is from the blog owner himself, me. Ok, that is a bit disappointing, but wait, the other visitor actually come as far as Kiev, yeah, Kiev, wow! That is great, now I have someone in Kiev reading my blog, cool! Haha, expect that I only know too well that this must be some accidental visit by googling for something like ‘Django’ or ‘Rails’ etc, and then landed on this blog, and without giving it a second glance, leave the blog immediately.

But hey, this is great fun having all the pie chart and graph popping up for my blog, it somehow show the important of the blog…don't you think so? Huh, the first place I will be heading to tomorrow morning will Google Analytics again, the traffics will definitely grow double, triple, or maybe there is someone from the Antarctica pay a visit…


kinkyskiny said...


Kahfei said...



Anonymous said...

我更贪心,Google Analytic、Mint 和 MeasureMap。Load 这些 JavaScript 都要花想一些时间。呵呵。

Kahfei said...


Anonymous said...

我是很早期的 MeasureMap 用户,第146个。:)

MeasureMap 不怎么可能被融入 Analytics。

MM 是给部落的。

而Analytics则是适合商业或巨型网站,其Goal Conversion功能可以让站长清楚网站是否成功引导使用者。还有就是那些有给钱买Adwords广告的商家更容易了解网站的ROI。

Kahfei said...

I see. 题外话,SK,还有玩Newsvine吗?

Anonymous said...

你怎么知道我有 Newsvine 户头啊?网络真是吓人。


Kahfei said...



kinkyskiny said...
