Sunday, June 17, 2007

Safari for Windows

Wow, I never heard of this news before, until I read it from Ntugo's Infini tech today. Apple is releasing a beta version of its Safari browser for Windows!!

I have downloaded it, and now test driving in a Vista. It work fine, but Chinese Character shown up a bit odd, and loading pages seems a bit slow for me too...But this is only Beta, so things might improve later on.


Anonymous said...

Yeah the Safari browser still is a bit buggy at the moment. But it is an elegant browser. Try open up several tabs and drag a tab down.. the effect it makes opening a new window out of the tab is quite cool. And also CTRL+D to open up the bookmark panel.. nice :D

I don't like how it render fonts though.... ;)

Kahfei said...

ya...I feel the fonts rendered is kinda odd...

Anonymous said...

There are lots of issues, but you're the first person I've read about it using it in another language. How is it?

Kahfei said...

The Chinese words being rendered didn't look nice at all.The loading of pages seems really slow as well.